EU Iditions

4249 days ago

EU Prize Loon of the Week Martin Schulz

You thought that Adolf Hitler was the last deranged German who thought he had the power to fully integrate Europe? Think again. Meet Martin Schulz the President of the European Parliament and this week’s prize EU loon of the week. It is hard to know where to start but how about with a press release out today as we prepare to mark “International Day of Democracy” which – in case you missed it is tomorrow.

Hitler. Ooops sorry Schulz starts off with “The renewed democratic momentum, which we have witnessed in the course of this past year, has confirmed what we in the European Parliament have always held to be true: People around the world want to live in a democracy. They want to choose their government, be able to express their opinions, and have opportunities to participate in economic and political life. They want elected representatives that hold those in power to account. They want a framework that ensures the rule of law and justice for all.

We see it so clearly in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya with the first fair, genuine elections for decades, and in gradual reforms in many of the countries of the region.

Has this loon been watching TV recently? Or has he been helping himself to too much of the Evil Empire’s wine lake? It strikes me that Egypt and Libya
